domingo, outubro 03, 2010

Why is it good to be an AIESEC Trainee?

This week I was invited to make a short presentation at the Info Session for AIESEC Selection Process, at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.

It was a great experience! I was there Thursday with Luiz Ritta, from Brazil, and Κωνσταντίνος Μαστρογεωργίου (Konstantinos), from Greece.
We heard the info session in magyar (hungary)!!! I am working really hard to try to undestrand some words, but it is really difficult.
Triyng to read magyar.... Kiki and Dávid (VPF)

Info Session in Magyar

Info Session
Info Session
All of the interested people in becoming a member of AIESEC were divided in 4 groups so they could hear more about each possibility inside AIESEC. We did our chat/presentaion four times, for each group.

There wasn't much time for questions & answers, but each group had someone that wanted to go to Brazil or that knew some brazilians (we are all over the world!!) So it was a great sharing experience.
It was nice to listen to a different point of view in Luiz and Konstantinos presentations.
In time, we were adding different points when describing our own experience.

1. Experience another culture
Throught AIESEC's exchange program we can be inserted in a local comunity.
We can experience things that are very difficult to live when traveling as a tourist.
As Konstantions said, as a tourist you can take the same pictures as the ones you see in the internet.
And been able to have a professional experince in the other side of the world is amazing!
My experience even includes a professional experience
+ Bring in another point of view
+ Break mindsets and see the world with different eyes

2. Be in a network of trainees
There are almost 50 trainees here in Budapest.
The first time I went out to dance salsa was here! Amazing!
I have met people from Russia, Turkey, Canada, New Zeland, BRAZIL, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Poland, Ukraine (in 2 weeks)

3. Travel!!
To the countryside and to other countries!
With an exchange experience, I am looking forward to EXPANDING MY BORDERS.
The same way that Brazil became much larger when I joined AIESEC in 2007, I believe the same can happen with my perception of the world.

4. Connect with AIESEC around the world
+Contribute with experiences
+Learn new possibilities
It is funny to see the same reality (executive board, selection process) but in a different environment.

For me, being a member of AIESEC, is being able to Challenge Yourself!
Wanting to get more from life...
....and being the change you want to see in the world.

Cinti, my buddy!


I am very proud to be in my LC Newsletter and website, as you can see in the picture (in the top, at the beggining of the post).

Since I have had a FULL AIESEC EXPERIENCE, as we call it (Leardership Experience + Exchange) I have been mentioned on AIESEC BRAZIL newsletter as well:

 Thank you guys!

Learn more about AIESEC at

Um comentário:

Anna disse...

ma, vi voce falando tão bem! voce é incrível. Sua descolada ! beijo da mama que te adora